[PAPER] Jean Rouch, Animism and Modernity Animism and Modernity: Jean Rouch on Things Text published as part of the online publication from the seminar “Arts & Sociétés“, Paris, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po. December 2018. “I…
[PRESS] Dada Africa Special edition of the French art history magazine L’Objet d’art Nr. 118 dedicated to the exhibition “Dada Africa.Non-Western Sources and Influences” at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris from 18 October 2017…
[ONLINE PUBLICATION] Photography and Orality The online publication Photography and Orality. Dialogues in Bamako, Dakar and Elsewhere is now available. Click here to visit the website, or here for further information.…
[PAPER] The Visual Anthropology of Jean Rouch L’anthropologie visuelle de Jean Rouch Text published in the Italian review VISUAL HISTORY. Rivista internazionale di storia e critica dell’immagine, N. 2, 2016 (December), Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra editore, p. 109-122. A Yearly Journal.…
[TEXT FOR A PERFORMANCE] POÉSIE POÉSIE (1) Théâtre des Ateliers, festival Poésie / Nuit, 7 mars 2008, Lyon. POÉSIE est une performance co-écrite par le réalisateur Nicolas Boone et l’artiste plasticien et performer Benjamin Seror. Cette pièce est…