[PRESS] Brancusi Concept and writing of the special issue No. 176 of L’Objet d’art (Faton editions), dedicated to the Brancusi retrospective at the Centre Pompidou in Paris from March 27 to July 1, 2024. Table of…
[PRESS] Amedeo Modigliani. A painter and his dealer Conception and editing of special issue no. 172 of L’Objet d’art (éditions Faton) devoted to the exhibition Amedeo Modigliani. A painter and his dealer at the Musée de l’Orangerie in…
[PRESS] Sam Szafran Publication of four articles (“First years. The genesis of a work”, “The infinite space of studio views”, “In the spiral of the stairs” and “A labyrinth of leaves and creepers”)…
[PRESS] Munch’s Self-Portraits “L’autoportrait, le moi, le monde” published in the French art magazine Dossiers de l’art, Nr. 301 (September 2022), devoted to the exhibition “Edvard Munch. A poem of life, love and death” at…
[PRESS] New Objectivity / Germany / 1920s / August Sander Conception and writing of the n. 298 of Dossiers de l’art (Faton editions) dedicated to the exhibition New Objectivity / Germany / 1920s / August Sander at the Centre Pompidou…
[TEXT] Félix Guattari’s « Chaosmosis » (1992) Text dedicated to the last book of Félix Guattari Chaosmosis (1992), published in Arts of the Working Class #15 (Berlin) “Decolomania” Felix Guattari, Chaosmosis (1992) For years I was attracted…
[PRESS] Giorgio de Chirico On the occasion of the exhibition “Giorgio de Chirico. La peinture métaphysique”, which is presented at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris from 16 September to 14 December 2020, the…
[TEXT] Alfred Métraux Alfred Métraux ou la « nostalgie du néolithique » « Pour montrer la vanité de l’exhaustivité et de l’objectivité apparente, j’introduis volontairement des erreurs. Par exemple, dans mes documentaires, il y a toujours…
[PRESS] Francis Bacon Author of the special edition of the French art magazine L’Objet d’art n° 139 (September 2019) dedicated to the exhibition “Bacon en toutes lettres” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Overview from…
[PRESS] Franz Marc / August Macke On the occasion of the exhibition “Franz Marc/August Macke. L’aventure du Cavalier bleu”, which will be presented at the Musée de l’Orangerie from 6 March to 17 June 2019, the…
[PRESS] Vasarely in Paris Author of the special edition of the French art magazine L’Objet d’art N. 134 dedicated to the exhibition “Vasarely. Le partage des formes” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris started in…
[PRESS] Miró: The Color of my Dreams „La couleur des rêves de Miró“, text dedicated to the exhibition „Joan Miró“ at the Grand Palais in Paris (3th October 2018-4th February 2019), L’Objet d’art N. 549 (October 2018),…
[PRESS] Alfons Mucha Writing of the special issue of L’Objet d’art dedicated to the exhibition “Alfons Mucha” at the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris from September 12, 2018. Overview here.…
[PRESS] Hodler in Geneva Review of the exhibition “Holder//Parallélisme” at the Musée Rath in Genève: “Le monde selon Hodler: du tragique à l’émerveillement”, text published in the French art magazine L’Objet d’art N. 546 (June…
[PRESS] Wild Souls Two texts published in the special edition of L’Objet d’art N. 124 (April 2018) on the occasion of the exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay “Wild Souls. Symbolism in the Baltic States” (April/July…
[PRESS] The Golden Ratio The golden ratio, its definition and its history over the centuries synthesized in a text. Published in the French art magazine Dossier de l’art N. 257 (March 2018) dedicated to the exhibition…
[PRESS] Kupka in Paris “Kupka et la naissance de l’abstraction”, text published in the French art magazine L’Objet d’art N. 543 (March 2018) on the occasion of the retrospective “Kupka, pionnier de l’abstraction” at the Grand…
[PRESS] Romanticism(s) Participation to the N. 256 of the French art magazine Dossier de l’art (February 2018) dedicated to the Romanticism(s) with three texts: “L’Allemagne, un sol classique”, “Caspar David Friedrich, la tragédie du paysage” and…
[PRESS] Dutch artists in Paris Two Texts dedicated to the work and the life of Kees Van Dongen und Piet Mondrian. Published in the special edition of the French art magazin L’Objet d’art N. 121 on the occasion…
[PRESS] César Special edition of the French art magazine L’Objet d’art N. 120 dedicated to “César, the Retrospective” at Centre Pompidou in Paris from December 2017, the 13th.…
[PRESS] Wenzel Hablik – Expressionnist Utopias Exhibition review of Wenzel Hablik – Expressionistische Utopien. Malerei, Zeichnung, Architektur presented in the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin (2 Sept./14 Jan.). To be published in the French art magazine L’Objet d’art N. 540 (December 2017).…
[PRESS] Dada Africa Special edition of the French art history magazine L’Objet d’art Nr. 118 dedicated to the exhibition “Dada Africa.Non-Western Sources and Influences” at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris from 18 October 2017…
[PRESS] Gauguin The Alchimist “Peindre après Gauguin”. A text about Paul Gauguin and his successors published in the French art history magazine Dossier de l’art N. 252 (September 2017) about the exhibition “Gauguin The Alchimist” from…
[PRESS] Summer with Cézanne Three exhibitions dedicated to Paul Cézanne are presented this summer: in Paris, Basel and Martigny. Text published in the Nr. 536 of the French art magazine L’Estampille – L’Objet d’art (July/August).…
[PRESS] David Hockney The David Hockney exhibition at the Tate Britain in London is presented at the Centre Pompidou in Paris since June 2017, 21th. A text about the show is published in…
[PRESS] 100 years of De Stijl – Chapter “Painting” “La peinture De Stijl. Plan, couleur, espace” (p. 12-23), text published in the French art history magazine Dossier de l’art, N. 249, May 2017, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the movement De…
[PRESS] Beyond the Stars. The Mystical Landscape from Monet to Kandinsky Conception and writing of the special edition of the French magazine L’Estampille – L’Objet d’art, n° 111, published on the occasion of the Paris exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay (14th March – 25th June 2017)…
[PRESS] Collection Ishibashi/Bridgestone Museum Texts published in the French magazine L’Estampille – L’Objet d’art, Nr. 113. Special edition dedicated to the exhibition at the Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris (5 April – 21 August 2017) Tokyo-Paris Masterpieces from…
[PRESS] The Brothers Le Nain The Heritage of the Brothers Le Nain. Between Tradition and Modernity Les frères Le Nain, considérés depuis leur redécouverte au XIXe s. comme les ancêtres du courant réaliste, ont suscité l’admiration…
[PRESS] Cy Twombly Cy Twombly at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, November 2016 [FULL TEXT IN FRENCH] Conçue en étroite collaboration avec la Cy Twombly Foundation, le Centre Pompidou présente une rétrospective du…
[PRESS] The Treachery of Images RENÉ MAGRITTE AT THE CENTRE POMPIDOU IN PARIS: « LA TRAHISON DES IMAGES » Text published in the French magazine L’estampille – L’objet d’art, n° 527, October 2016, Dijon, éditions Faton, pp. 6-7. Full text…
[PRESS] René Magritte On the occasion of the exhibition “Magritte. The Treachery of Images” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the publisher Éditions Faton dedicated a special edition of the magazine “L’objet d’art” to the show. I…
[PRESS] Paul Klee – Irony On the occasion of the exhibition “Paul Klee. L’ironie à l’œuvre” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Éditions Faton published a special edition of the magazine L’Estampille – L’objet d’art, n° 98 (April 2016), for…
[PRESS] The Douanier Rousseau. Archaic Candour The French magazine Dossier de l’art n° 238 (April 2016) was dedicated to the exhibition “The Douanier Rousseau. Archaic Candour” at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. I contributed a text entitled “De Delaunay…
[PRESS] Anselm Kiefer at the Centre Pompidou and the BnF in Paris Within the French art magazine Dossier de l’art N. 235 (December 2015) dedicated to the retrospective “Anselm Kiefer” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, I wrote the following texts: De Barjac au Centre Pompidou,…
[PRESS] Joseph Beuys “Joseph Beuys. Professeur à l’Académie des beaux-arts de Düsseldorf” Text published in the French magazine Dossier de l’art N. 235 (December 2015) dedicated to the exhibition “Anselm Kiefer” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, pp.…
[PRESS] 1945 année zéro “1945 année zéro de l’art allemand” Text published in French in the Dossier de l’art N. 235 (December 2015) dedicated to the exhibition “Anselm Kiefer” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, pp. 28-31. [FULL TEXT] Au…
[PRESS] Winckelmann in front of Laocoön « Winckelmann face au Laocoon: une pensée fondatrice », article paru dans le Dossier de l’art, N° 205 (Mars 2013), p. 22-23. Numéro consacré à l’exposition « De l’Allemagne, 1800-1939.…